NGSS: Core Idea: PS3.A, PS1.B, ESS1.A

CCSS: Reading Informational Text: 1

TEKS: 6.1A, 6.5G, 7.1A, 7.5G, 8.1A, 8.5G, I.1A

Investigate It!

Astronauts traveling to space must bring along all the supplies they’ll need for their journey—including medications. But could the harsh conditions in space cause medicines to go bad?

A class of 9- to 12-year-olds at St. Brother André Elementary School in Canada wanted to find out. Specifically, they wondered what would happen to a critical medicine called epinephrine.

In space, items including medications are exposed to particles and rays called cosmic radiation. When students in Deborah Quail-Blier’s class learned this, they came up with a research question. “We wanted to know if the chemical composition of epinephrine would change in space because of cosmic radiation,” says student Marianne.

When astronauts travel to space, they must bring all the supplies they’ll need. That includes medications. But conditions in space are harsh. Could this cause medicines to go bad?

A class of 9- to 12-year-olds wanted to find out. They attend St. Brother André Elementary School in Canada. The students wondered about a critical medicine called epinephrine. What would happen to it in space?

In space, medications and other items are exposed to cosmic radiation. Students learned about these particles and rays in Deborah Quail-Blier’s class. Then they came up with a research question. “We wanted to know if the chemical composition of epinephrine would change in space because of cosmic radiation,” says student Marianne.

Astronauts traveling to space must bring along all the supplies they’ll need for their journey—including medications. But could the harsh conditions in space cause medicines to go bad?

A class of 9- to 12-year-olds at St. Brother André Elementary School in Canada wanted to find out. Specifically, they wondered what would happen to a critical medicine called epinephrine.

In space, items including medications are exposed to particles and rays called cosmic radiation. When students in Deborah Quail-Blier’s class learned this, they came up with a research question. “We wanted to know if the chemical composition of epinephrine would change in space because of cosmic radiation,” says student Marianne.

When astronauts travel to space, they must bring all the supplies they’ll need. That includes medications. But conditions in space are harsh. Could this cause medicines to go bad?

A class of 9- to 12-year-olds wanted to find out. They attend St. Brother André Elementary School in Canada. The students wondered about a critical medicine called epinephrine. What would happen to it in space?

In space, medications and other items are exposed to cosmic radiation. Students learned about these particles and rays in Deborah Quail-Blier’s class. Then they came up with a research question. “We wanted to know if the chemical composition of epinephrine would change in space because of cosmic radiation,” says student Marianne.

Did Kids Save Astronauts' Lives?

How students learned that a common medicine can turn toxic in space.

Illustration by Sean McCabe; sololos/Getty Images (Background); Deborah Quail-Blier, PGL Teacher, St. Brother Andre (Students, Cube in Space);  iStockPhoto/Getty Images (All Other Images)

AS YOU READ, THINK ABOUT how medications can be affected by the conditions in which they are stored.


Astronauts traveling to space must bring along all the supplies they’ll need for their journey—including medications. But could the harsh conditions in space cause medicines to go bad?

A class of 9- to 12-year-olds at St. Brother André Elementary School in Canada wanted to find out. Specifically, they wondered what would happen to a critical medicine called epinephrine.

In space, items including medications are exposed to particles and rays called cosmic radiation. When students in Deborah Quail-Blier’s class learned this, they came up with a research question. “We wanted to know if the chemical composition of epinephrine would change in space because of cosmic radiation,” says student Marianne.

When astronauts travel to space, they must bring all the supplies they’ll need. That includes medications. But conditions in space are harsh. Could this cause medicines to go bad?

A class of 9- to 12-year-olds wanted to find out. They attend St. Brother André Elementary School in Canada. The students wondered about a critical medicine called epinephrine. What would happen to it in space?

In space, medications and other items are exposed to cosmic radiation. Students learned about these particles and rays in Deborah Quail-Blier’s class. Then they came up with a research question. “We wanted to know if the chemical composition of epinephrine would change in space because of cosmic radiation,” says student Marianne.


Millions of people around the world carry an EpiPen wherever they go—including some of Quail-Blier’s students. This medical device injects epinephrine into the body. Epinephrine is a hormone, or chemical messenger, that can counteract a serious allergic reaction. It’s also known as adrenaline.

People suffer an allergic reaction when their body’s disease-fighting immune system mistakenly overreacts to a particular substance. That could include dust, certain foods, skin particles released by pets, or saliva or venom from insect bites or stings. When people encounter a substance they’re allergic to, they may experience itching, rashes, or congestion. In severe cases, they can vomit, pass out, and suffer life-threatening symptoms like difficulty breathing. An EpiPen injection can help open up airways and save their life.

Millions of people around the world carry an EpiPen wherever they go. Some of Quail-Blier’s students carry one. This medical device injects epinephrine into the body. Epinephrine is a hormone, or chemical messenger. It can counteract a serious allergic reaction. It’s also called adrenaline.

The body’s immune system fights disease. But sometimes, it overreacts to a substance. Then an allergic reaction occurs. People can be allergic to dust, certain foods, skin particles from pets, or saliva or venom from insect bites or stings. Contact with that substance may cause itching, rashes, or congestion. In severe cases, people can vomit or pass out. They may have life-threatening problems, like trouble breathing. An EpiPen injection can help open up airways and save their life.


The students’ hypothesis, or proposed answer to a research question, was that spaceflight would alter the molecular structure of epinephrine. The class had read previous research showing that epinephrine is sensitive to light. “When you put an EpiPen in sunlight, it gets wrecked,” says Owen, who’s in the class. “The fluid changes color, and you can’t use it anymore.” The change is caused by ultraviolet (UV) light from the sun. The students reasoned that if UV radiation affects epinephrine, maybe cosmic radiation would too.

The class applied to a program called Cubes in Space, which collaborates with NASA to send student projects soaring high above Earth inside 4 centimeter (1.6 inch) plastic cubes. The class proposed an experiment that would examine samples of epinephrine before and after spaceflight. In May 2022, the students learned that their project had been selected.

The students proposed an answer to their research question. Their hypothesis was that spaceflight would change the molecular structure of epinephrine. The class had read earlier research and learned that epinephrine is sensitive to light. “When you put an EpiPen in sunlight, it gets wrecked,” says Owen, from the class. “The fluid changes color, and you can’t use it anymore.” Ultraviolet (UV) light from the sun causes this change. The students reasoned that UV radiation affects epinephrine, so maybe cosmic radiation would too.

The class applied to a program called Cubes in Space, which works with NASA. It places student projects inside 4-centimeter (1.6-inch) plastic cubes. Then it sends the cubes high above Earth. The class proposed an experiment. It would test samples of epinephrine before and after spaceflight. In May 2022, the students learned that their project had been selected.

sololos/Getty Images (Background); (Astronaut); 


The students want to know what happens to epinephrine, a live-saving medicine, when it is exposed to cosmic radiation. The answer may help keep future astronauts safe.


The class prepared two cubes, each containing two vials: one with epinephrine powder and one with the liquid from an EpiPen. Having two cubes would allow them to send identical samples on two flights of different durations. And comparing a liquid with a powder would allow them to see whether one version was more stable.

The class asked Paul Mayer, a chemist at the University of Ottawa in Canada, to help analyze their samples’ starting compositions. Mayer used a technique called gas chromatography–mass spectrometry, which separates the different components in a sample and determines their molecular makeup. The result is “like a fingerprint,” says Mayer. Scientists can compare this chemical fingerprint to a database of known substances to identify the chemical makeup of a sample.

The class prepared two cubes. Each cube contained two vials. One held epinephrine powder, and one held the liquid solution from an EpiPen. With two cubes, they could send identical samples on two flights. One flight would last longer. They also wanted to compare a liquid with a powder. Then they could see if one version was more stable.

The class asked a chemist at the University of Ottawa in Canada for help. Paul Mayer analyzed the starting makeup of their samples. He used a technique called gas chromatography–mass spectrometry. It separates the different substances in a sample and shows their molecular makeup. The result is “like a fingerprint,” says Mayer. Scientists can compare this chemical fingerprint to a database of known substances. That reveals the chemicals in the sample.


Next it was time for the cubes to take flight! One cube flew in space aboard a rocket for seven minutes. The other spent eight hours on a balloon at a slightly lower altitude, or height above Earth.

When the cubes landed, the class sent the vials to Mayer for post-flight analysis. He detected no epinephrine in either vial of liquid EpiPen solution. The medicine had broken down into other substances, possibly because of exposure to cosmic radiation. On the balloon flight, 13 percent of the epinephrine powder had broken down into potentially toxic substances. No changes were found in the powder from the rocket, possibly because of its shorter trip.

Seeing dramatic changes to three samples “was pretty surprising even though it confirmed our hypothesis,” says Marianne. The class isn’t stopping here: They hope to send more samples on future flights to confirm their results and to test materials that could protect epinephrine in space.

The cubes were ready to take flight! One cube flew in space aboard a rocket for seven minutes. The other spent eight hours on a balloon. It flew at a slightly lower altitude, or height above Earth.

When the cubes landed, the class sent the vials to Mayer. He analyzed them again. He found no epinephrine in either vial of liquid EpiPen solution. The medicine had broken down into other substances, possibly because of cosmic radiation. On the balloon flight, 13 percent of the epinephrine powder had broken down. It had formed substances that could be toxic. He found no changes in the powder from the rocket—maybe because of its shorter trip.

The striking change to three samples “was pretty surprising even though it confirmed our hypothesis,” says Marianne. The class isn’t done. They hope to send more samples on future flights. Then they can confirm their results and test materials for protecting epinephrine in space. 

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